The Phoenix Theatre presents: "McVamp"
Am Freitag, den 13.10.2023, dem letzten Tag vor den Herbstferien, gab es für die Jahrgänge 5 bis 7 ein besonderes Highlight: Die Phoenix Theatre Company kam zu Besuch! Im Theater der Stadt Diepholz führten zwei Schauspieler, die jeweils mehrere Rollen spielten, das englischsprachige Musical "McVamp“ auf. Anke Dorenkamp, die Fachobfrau Englisch, hatte dankenswerterweise bei der Organisation keine Mühen gescheut und die Englischlehrer hatten das Stück im Unterricht sprachlich vorentlastet. Die Klasse 6b sicherte sich die besten Sitze direkt vor der Bühne und war somit direkt am Geschehen, nicht zuletzt auch bei den zahlreichen interaktiven Phasen, die die Schauspieler eingebaut hatten. Über ihr besonderes Erlebnis schrieben die Sechstklässler anschließend im Rahmen einer Klassenarbeit Berichte, von denen drei hier aufgeführt sind. Sie zeigen, wie gewinnbringend ein englischsprachiges Theaterstück sein kann. Hoffen wir also, dass es auch im nächsten Jahr ein vergleichbares Highlight geben wird.
1 It was a wonderful day at the GFS. We went to the theatre near the GFS. I was so excited about that. When I sat down, I saw two British actors. A moment later the play started. A vampire with the name Fenella said “Hello and welcome.“ After this she said how wonderful she was and that she was a model on famous catwalks. She said that she had a son and his name was Cedric, but she was not happy at all because he didn’t like blood. Instead of that he liked ice cream. After this scene Fenella exited and Cedric climbed out of his coffin. He said that his two best friends were his teddy and his cousin Rosemary. The cool thing about Rosemary was that she could turn into a bat. After this he sang a song. His mum screamed: “Vampires sleep until midnight and when you can’t sleep, then count the blood bottles of our family business, the ‘McVamp Blood Bank‘!“ Cedric didn’t want to do that and sang again. He woke his cousin Rosemary; she was so upset. He asked Rosemary to tell Uncle Igor that he didn’t like blood and that he wanted to run an ice cream shop. She wasn’t sure, but she agreed. Fenella and Uncle Igor had dinner together. Uncle Igor said that it wasn’t bad at all that Cedric wanted to run an ice cream shop. Fenella agreed. That was a nice theatre play. I liked the play, because two actors can act so many characters. Mika Kunz, 6b
2 Hello! I want to tell you something about the play “McVamp“. We went to our English class after the break as always. Then we made our way to the theatre and waited for the play to begin. After some minutes the red curtains finally opened. And the first thing we saw was a coffin, a wall of the McVamp castle and some blood bottles. First, we heard some scary noises and then Cedric woke up and introduced himself: “Hello! I’m Cedric. I’m a Scottish vampire, but I don’t like blood. I love ice cream! I want to have an ice cream business!“ Then Cedric’s mum Fenella came. She was a famous model and she was very good at catwalks. She even did a catwalk competition with the students. She won, of course. And later we met Teddy, Rosemary, Uncle Igor and Fenella’s sister. Rosemary is Cedric’s best friend and she is his cousin and we know a secret about Rosemary: She can transform into a bat! That’s so cool! Teddy is Cedric’s best friend too. Teddy is a bear, well, he is a teddy bear, he is a very good dancer. In the last scene Cedric finally got his ice cream shop. It has chocolate, vanilla, banana and strawberry as ice cream flavours. I really liked the play, it was so interesting and funny. Nikola Janzy, 6b
3 On the last day before the holidays, my class and I went to the central theatre of Diepholz. Is was a very windy day. When we were in the theatre, we could choose our seats. They were very comfortable. I was so excited. And then … The red curtain opened and we saw an old castle and a coffin. The coffin was open and who was inside? Cedric McVamp. He said hello in a friendly and funny voice. He told us about his hobbies and some more. But he didn’t like blood, as an ordinary vampire does. He hates blood. But he loves ice-cream. Then he heard how his mum called him. As fast as he could he went back into his coffin and closed it. At that moment his mum came in; she is called Fenella McVamp. She started dancing and singing. She was a great dancer. Then Cedric came out of his coffin and showed us … Teddy. Teddy was a cute teddy bear. Then Cedric’s mother left his room and Rosemary came in. Rosemary was Cedric’s cousin. Every time she was afraid/upset, she turned into a bat. Cedric’s mum and his uncle Igor had a candle-light dinner and talked together. Then Cedric’s mum showed their family business: the McVamp’s Blood Bank. At last Cedric showed us his dream of his own ice cream shop. His mum didn’t agree, but then Cedric said: “If I sell ice cream, we get money for blood.“ Then his mum agreed and the flavours were banana, chocolate and vanilla, I think. It was a great play and I liked it because of the funny and happy actors. Jonas Mencke, 6b
Einen besonderen Einsatz auf der Bühne hatte übrigens einer ihrer Mitschüler. Das wird u.a. von Ula aufgegriffen: “[…] Fenella was a famous catwalk model and she called three students onto the stage and taught them how to be a catwalk model … and our star Henry was up there! Fenella said she was the winner, of course, but nooooo, Henry was much better! […].“ :-))
Text und Fotos: Maria Schmutte